Virtual Meeting Tips


Sometimes it’s better to meet a potential buyer where they are, which these days means using their favorite online meeting tool to sync up. Here are popular apps to make meeting with clients as easy as possible. Choose a few to download and get familiar with them so your next virtual meeting goes smoothly, with no technical difficulties or user errors.

  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Meet
  • Skype
  • Facetime
  • Duo
  • Facebook and Instagram Live
  • Microsoft Teams

Be sure to take advantage of interactive, pre-scheduled Virtual Open Houses and Virtual Showings on our company and agent websites.

Tips for Online Meetups

  • Record your virtual showing so you can share it with those who missed out.
  • Introduce yourself if you are meeting with a group.
  • Create a Facebook event to promote your virtual tour and meeting link.
  • Walk and Pan slowly through each room while explaining the features.
  • Answer questions as they are asked, this is just like an in-person meeting.
  • Be prepared to start over, technical difficulties are hard to avoid on strange networks or with poor cell service.  
  • Prepare and practice ahead of time.
  • Send the listing link, video tour, or 3D tour ahead of time through email.
  • Dress professionally.

Video Tips

Watch this short video on how to properly shoot your listing. This includes Instagram and Facebook Live, Live meetings listed above, and of course your Reliance Virtual Showing videos.