How to Get More Listings


Are you lacking listings? It’s not that they aren’t out there, you just might not be working the right angles. Check out these tips on building your listings and get out there and make some sales.

Are you lacking listings? It’s not that they aren’t out there, you just might not be taking the right actions. Here are a few tips to earn more.

Engage Your Sphere

You’ve put a lot of effort into delivering superior service and networking many strong relationships, but are you staying in touch? You need to consistently engage these relationships (without annoying them) or they will forget about you. First of all, have you built a database? Whether you use a simple spreadsheet or an advanced CRM tool like the one provided by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate, you need to keep track of every contact you meet. Once you have your database set up, keep in touch. Set up automated emails with local market updates and or home buying and selling tips. Or send out birthday messages and holiday greetings. Pick up the phone and call them. Send personal notes. Just engage with them, and when the time comes, you will likely be the one they contact when they are ready to buy or sell.

Take Advantage of Your Open Houses

Of course, when you are working an open house, the ultimate goal is to sell the house, but are you taking the opportunity to continue to build your database? When you meet new visitors and learn what’s important to them, are you capturing the information needed to stay in touch? This doesn’t have to can be an awkward conversation; there are ways to make it easy. Set up your laptop or tablet somewhere visible with a contact capture landing page up on the screen. Ask everyone to enter their name and email so you can enter them into our buyer match dashboard to see if any potential or current listings fit their criteria and you can message them about similar listings. And be sure to share your customized mobile app before they leave. Once you have captured this info, you’ve grown your sphere. Now you’re back to our first tip, keep in touch with these people to stay on top of minds.

Past Buyers are Future Buyers

When you help someone buy a home, the relationship doesn’t end there; in fact, it’s just the beginning. Keep these client contacts in a different folder in your database so you can send them valuable content in the future. A two-minute setup of a Property Investment Profile in our automated CRM ensures regular communication they will appreciate receiving. You can also send birthday wishes and holiday greetings, annual home anniversary messages, and tips on home upkeep, decorating, and cool things about their neighborhood. These past buyers will likely sell their home eventually, and when they do, they will likely call you to help them out. It’s the circle of life, or circle of listings if we’re being more accurate, and it’s all based on nurturing relationships.

Build your Niche

Are you an expert in a specific area or? If so, you can become known as a local market expert in a specific neighborhood you earn listings in the area. Focus advertising on that area, and even create a landing page that focuses on all the benefits of living there. Once your name is synonymous with the neighborhood, you should be the first call when it comes to new listings.

Do you have a special interest or hobby you love? Build a network of other like-minded people who share your passion. As you develop relationships, share your knowledge, and get to know the members within the group, they will see the value you bring to your clients. Remember, people love to do business with people they know and trust, so make yourself that person.