Have a Virtual Showing with Instagram Live.


Instagram and Facebook live are amazing ways to promote a new listing, give a live tour, and interact with potential buyers from the safety of your prospective homes. Here is how you can use these social media tools to your benefit as we navigate these unprecedented times in the real estate industry.

Get comfortable on camera.

Many people don’t like how they look or sound on camera. It can be uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it the better you will get. With most potential buyers stuck at home, this is the perfect opportunity to perfect your skills.

Show your three favorite features of the home.

If you are posting an organic story to preview a new listing, keep it short and sweet. A nice rule is to show your three favorite features of the listing. Use the forward-facing camera, or shoot it selfie style for a real personal touch. Slowly walk through your favorite features and give the viewer some inside information. If the listing isn’t all that impressive, you can also show awesome schools, parks, or restaurants within walking distance of the property.

Live Home Tour.

A live tour can be your ticket to showing your listing to potential buyers and also engaging with your community.

1. Promote a time and date on your story for a week leading up to the live tour.

2. Head to the home early and make sure everything is in order, then open all of the shades so there is plenty of natural light.

3. Remember, Instagram and Facebook stories are in the verticle video format, so don’t turn your phone to the side.

4. Connect to the Wi-Fi if possible and make sure your battery is charged. Also, put your phone on do-not-disturb so notifications to ruin your broadcast.

5. Start your live video, introduce yourself, then steadily walk through every room of the home, panning side-to-side to show all of the best features.

5. As you present the walkthrough, make note of any questions or feedback you have coming in from the attendees and do your best to answer them live.

6. After you’ve completed, don’t close out the app just yet. Flip the camera for a selfie-style Q&A session. If you don’t have all the answers, this is a perfect opportunity to ask the potential buyer to direct message you and find out more about them.

7. Finally, when your video is wrapped up, complete the video by sharing it to your story. (Instagram will automatically ask you to do this step when you finish) You can also download your video to share later if you like, this is good content to repurpose.

Save the story and repost until the listing sells.

Didn’t get the engagement you would have liked from your live tour? Your effort wasn’t wasted. Wait 24 hours and add the video to your highlights. Now your Instagram tour is saved on your profile, and you can re-share as often as you would like.