Top 3 Halloween Real Estate Tips

  1. Avoid Spooky Decor!

Decorating over the top with scary or gory items paints your home in an unwelcoming light for buyers. You don’t want buyers wondering if those cobwebs on the porch are real, or being turned away by the idea of rats on the porch. Have fun with pumpkins, but remember when selling your home, the most important thing to remember is to create an inviting home.

2. Pass Flyers out with Candy

Those walking door to door will notice the for sale sign in your yard, passing out a flyer for parents is a great way to let others get a preview of the outside of the home they may have seen online. Your real estate agent could also leave a stack of flyers on the porch for parents to pick up while their little one is collecting candy.

3. Illuminate the house

Take advantage of the foot traffic coming to your home this Halloween by turning on all the lights and opening the curtains so passersby will feel drawn to the home, lighting up the dark night. This will get viewers a preview of the home without intruding on your night.

Contact one of our knowledgeable Brokers in the Portland Metro, Southern Oregon area, or Washington to help you with your real estate needs!