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Salem Metro Area Weekend Planner: August 12-14, 2022

ENGLEWOOD FOREST FESTIVALThe free, family-friendly Englewood Forest Festival takes place in the beautiful Englewood Park, a magical afternoon of...

Oregon & SW Washington Weekend Planner: August 12-14, 2022

PORTLAND: BEAVERTON NIGHT MARKETThe Beaverton Night Market creates a vibrant, intercultural, family-friendly space that is reminiscent of night markets internationally.ZOO...

Puget Sound Area Weekend Planner: August 12-14, 2022

KIRKLAND WATERFRONT CAR SHOWSee hundreds of classic cars and motorcycles, and shop from vendors and food trucks at the Kirkland Waterfront Car Show!GIGANTIC BICYCLE FESTIVALThe...

Eugene and Roseburg Weekend Planner: August 5-7, 2022

EUGENE: OREGON FESTIVAL OF AMERICAN MUSICThe Oregon Festival of American Music celebrates music of The Hard Times were the Golden...

Salem Metro Area Weekend Planner: August 5-7, 2022

TOUR THE ELSINORE THEATREGet a behind-the-scenes peek at this 96-year-old gem in downtown Salem. Immerse yourself in the history, art, and architecture of the Elsinore...

Oregon & SW Washington Weekend Planner: August 5-7, 2022

PORTLAND: DAHLIA FESTIVALCelebrate the season of Dahlias! Stroll through almost 40 acres and a beautiful display garden of stunning...

Puget Sound Area Weekend Planner: August 5-7, 2022

SEAFAIR WEEKEND FESTIVALSeafair Weekend Festival features hydroplanes racing on Lake Washington, the Blue Angels flying overhead in the...

Salem Metro Area Weekend Planner: July 29-31, 2022

SANTIAM SUMMER FESTThe hottest event of the Summer is back and better than evert! The Santiam Summer Fest will...

Eugene and Roseburg Weekend Planner: July 29-31, 2022

EUGENE: EUGENE SATURDAY MARKETThe Saturday Market is a weekly celebration of local arts and food. Over 250 artisans sell handcrafted...

Oregon & SW Washington Weekend Planner: July 29-31, 2022

PORTLAND: GORGE WATERFALLS AND MT. HOOD TOUR FROM PORTLANDA full day exploring the waterfalls, Hood River, and Oregon’s...


