Mulching is a necessity in the Pacific Northwest. It’s an affordable way to bring value to a new home on the market and it’s easy enough to do all on your own.
Mulch is an accent.
Mulch is not only great for your lawn’s health, but it can also make it more aesthetically pleasing. Choose a color that matches your home’s exterior and your flower garden.
Clean out last season’s mulch.
When re-mulching, remove most of the mulch from last season. Leaving some is ok, but you don’t want the material to build up over the years. A rake will work great for this part of the process.
Try something different.
Try out different mulch textures. There is a huge variety of different colors and materials. If you want to update the look of your yard this year, switch it up! It can give the entire exterior environment a different look and feel.
How much mulch?
Mulch twice per year and spread evenly in a three-inch layer. This will help reduce weeds and keep in moisture.
Mulch your trees.
Mulch around the base of your trees, especially saplings. This will help prevent other plants from overtaking them and protect them from the mower.
Use quality mulch.
Use quality mulch from a trusted source. Home Depot or Lowes are great options, but you can also find mulch at your local garden center or even a forest products manufacturer.